Friday, December 23, 2016
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Saturday, November 5, 2016
All on 4 Dental Implants vs The G4 Implant Solution
1. All-on-4 Procedure vs. G4 Implant Solution® The All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure Improved -The G4 Implant Solution provides a permanent, titanium re-enforced Bridge for the entire upper and/or lower set of teeth (arch), in just 1 visit.The procedure is best for patients in dentures, or with significant tooth loss or decay, and for people whose bone loss in the jaw area prevents them from getting traditional dental implants.The G4 Implant Solution consists in establishing a fully customized bridge based on, as few as, four titanium implants.The solution takes advantage of existing bone, even if scarce, avoiding having to use bone grafts.
2. The All-on-4 Treatment Concept® 99.9% of practitioners that perform the ALL- ON-4®Treatment Concept, Permanent Dentures, Implant Dentures,Teeth-in-a-day etc., will use the converted denture and surgical guide technique. A denture that was made at one of several previous appointments is converted into a temporary denture at the time of implant surgery.They will fabricate this denture using denture teeth and acrylic. Often times the surgery, and the placement of your denture will happen at several offices.You will wear this denture for 6 months to 2 years. During this time you will return to the Dentist multiple times before you ever receive permanent teeth.
3. The All-on-4 Treatment Concept® You have probably heard terms like “Teeth in a Day”, “New Teeth Now” etc., etc.They are all based on the decade old ALL-ON-4® Treatment Concept. In a nutshell, this is the use of immediate loading implants and a prosthetic of some fashion.The concept “Teeth in one Appointment” is misleading. Most people hear the term and think they can get teeth in one visit to the Dentist.This is not the case. Often times there may be as many as 5 prior visits to an office before any procedure is performed. If you leave with teeth on the 6th visit, well then, you got new “Teeth in one Appointment” (one of many, actually).
4. The-All-on-4 Treatment Concept®– Visit #1 Depending on whether you are at an All-in-one facility, a Specialist or a general Dentist, your first visit will be to evaluate your situation, and your ability to pay.Whether any treatment planning will actually take place will probably depend on who will actually perform the surgery, how many Dentists will be involved, lab fees, whether the Dentist has a CT scan or not, and what they believe they can charge you.There are many variants as to what exactly may happen, but one thing for sure is you will not leave with new teeth!
5. All-on-4 Treatment Concept® - Visit #2 - 5 This visit could be for the try-in for a scanning jig, a surgical guide, or extractions.This can vary also, but generally this is the appointment you will accept treatment. It will be days’ to weeks following your first appointment if a scanning jig or surgical guide was ordered from a lab. It may be at the original office or clear across town. In rare cases this will be the appointment where impressions are taken to fabricate your new converted denture.Yes denture! 99% of practitioners that perform this procedure will use the converted denture technique.This is because they do not have the facilities to fabricate a hybrid bridge. If they have an in-house lab it is simply a denture lab.They will fabricate a denture using denture teeth and acrylic, just as it has been done for 40+ years. One thing is for sure, you will not leave with new teeth.
6. TheAll-on-4 Treatment Concept®- Day of Surgery
7. All-on-4 Treatment Concept® - Final Restoration
8. All-on-4 Treatment Concept® - Final Restoration Visit #3 - ??
9. All-on-4 Treatment Concept® - Final Delivery
10. The G4 Implant Solution® The G4 Implant Solution is vastly improved.This revolutionary procedure provides a permanent, predictable, and customized solution in just 24 hours. Because of our proprietary protocols, experience, expertise, and investment into the most advanced milling machines in the world, we are able to fabricate your bar, and embed it into our custom-milled Crystal Ultra® hybrid bridges in less than 4 hours. We are the only facility world-wide that has this technology and expertise.This allows us to give you a permanent bridge with a titanium bar in just one visit, and allows you to enjoy the foods you love immediately following surgery!
11. The G4 Implant Solution® - Advanced Dentistry The advances made in dentistry are astounding and technology allows Dr. Golpa and his highly-trained Doctor's to do things that at one point couldn’t even be imagined. Dr. Golpa is proud to offer procedures using only the latest in dental technology. Dr. Golpa takes pride in offering patients the latest advances in dental care so that you get the smile you want in a way that is not only convenient and comfortable but also of the highest quality. Many practices are unable or unwilling to stay abreast of important advances in technology. However, Dr. Golpa has devoted his career to integrating the latest, most innovative of these advances into his practices, setting a new standard in patient care. Our goal has always been to provide the most forward-thinking and luxurious restorative dentistry in the World.
12. TheG4 Implant Solution® - Restoration Options Gone are the days of sacrificing top-tier beauty, precision, and price in order to gain the strength offered from full-contour Zirconia restorations. Prettau Zirconia is far more translucent than Zirconia's of the past. Whether you opt for the Prettau bridge or our in-house milled Crystal HD®/Titanium bridge, our experience allows for an even higher level of predictability for your restoration. If you’re looking for strongest possible full arch restoration, without sacrificing the beauty you deserve, look no further than The G4 Implant Solution®
13. TheG4 Implant Solution® - Restoration Options Crystal Ultra® is the most elastic ceramic material available on the market. Elasticity allows the material to flex while chewing or under pressure, which will minimize chips and fractures. Elasticity is especially important for implant dentistry where the lack of a periodontal ligament leaves the patient with no sensation and natural shock absorption.The key to achieving the exceptional flexibility, compressive strength, and lack of brittleness is the ratio of polymers to ceramics in the material. Crystal Ultra® is formulated with a higher ratio of polymers to ceramics, making it the most durable and elastic ceramic hybrid on the market today.
14. TheG4 Implant Solution® - Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours! Dr. Golpa has been placing Dental Implants, with an industry leading success rate, for more than 2 decades. Dr. Golpa spent the first half of his career becoming the Premier Cosmetic Dentist in Las Vegas, developing a skilled eye and an artistic hand, Dr. Golpa has been able to create and perfect the most cutting-edge techniques. For the last 5 years Dr. Golpa has trained highly-skilled Doctor's in his G4 Implant Solution protocol, and is now opening world-class clinic's throughout the U.S. The G4 Implant Solution is based on going “above & beyond” for patients.We have Patients from all around the world. Our patient concierge service makes traveling to LasVegas or any of our world-class facilities, for our 24 hour procedure convenient and worry-free. Our advanced procedure produces consistent, proven results for our hundreds of happy Patients.
15. All-on-4®Treatment Concept is a registered trademark of Nobel Biocare. Neither New Age Smile LLC, Mike Golpa DDS, or Golpa Dental Implant Center is associated with or endorsed by Nobel Biocare AG
16. Golpa Dental ImplantCenter 800-797-0406 The ONLY FacilityTo provide a PERMANENT, titanium reinforced Crystal Ultra Bridge in just 24 Hours!! At Golpa Dental Implant Center we are committed to do all we can to produce the most aesthetically pleasing results possible, utilizing the most advanced equipment, protocols, personnel and technology available. Our patients are the “back-bone” of our success, and we appreciate the trust you place in our Practice and the G4 Implant Solution, and you can rest assured that we are 100% committed to your satisfaction.
Friday, November 4, 2016
All on 4 Dental Implant Problems
- 1. All-on-4 Dental Implants Problems All-on-4 Dental Implants problems may occur if the All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure is not performed by an experienced Dentist. Although, the All-on-4 Dental Implant procedure has a higher success rate than conventional methods, due to its popularity in recent years, when the All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure is performed by an unscrupulous and inexperienced Dentist there are increased risks of complications and problems.
- 2. All-on-4 Dental Implants Problems - Smoking Smoking has its influence on general as well as oral health of an individual.Tobacco negatively affects the outcome of almost all therapeutic procedures performed in the oral cavity.The failure rate of implant Osseo integration is considerably higher among smokers, and maintenance of oral hygiene around the implants and the risk of peri-implantitis are adversely affected by smoking.
- 3. All-on-4 Dental Implants Problems - Smoking To increase implant survival in smokers, various protocols have been recommended. Although Osseo integrated dental implants have become the state of the art for tooth replacement, they are not without limitations or complications. KasatV, Ladda R. Smoking and dental implants. J Int Soc Prevent Communit Dent [serial online] 2012 [cited 2016 Oct 30];2:38-41. Available from: 8/109358
- 4. All-on-4 Dental Implants Problems - Diabetes Although a direct relationship with periodontal disease has already been shown, little is known about the results of dental implants in diabetics.The present paper reviews the bibliography linking the effect of diabetes on the Osseo integration of implants and the healing of soft tissue. In experimental models of diabetes, a reduced level of bone-implant contact has been shown, and this can be reversed by means of treatment with insulin.
- 5. All-on-4 Dental Implants Problems - Diabetes Compared with the general population, a higher failure rate is seen in diabetic patients. Most of these occur during the first year of functional loading, seemingly pointing to the microvascular complications of this condition as a possible causal factor. 4637_Effects_of_diabetes_on_the_osseointegr ation_of_dental_implants
- 6. All-on-4 Dental Implants Problems – Poor Hygiene Patients at higher risk for peri-implantitis, such as those with partial edentia or pre-existing chronic periodontitis, should be identified and monitored closely. Several studies have demonstrated that sites of pre-existing infection may act as reservoirs for periopathogens, which can spread to colonize the implant, especially in patients with aggressive periodontitis. Other patients potentially at risk are patients with diabetes mellitus who have poor metabolic control, those with poor plaque control and those who smoke cigarettes.
- 7. All-on-4 Dental Implants Problems - Inexperience All-on-4 Dental Implants Problems can be caused by an inexperienced provider. Many practitioners with little experience use a surgical guide for implant placement. Although conventionally made surgical guides are used, the clinical outcome is often unpredictable, and even if the implants are well placed, the location and deviation of the implants may not meet the optimal prosthodontic requirements of a well supported All-on-4 bridge. Properly placed implants are fundamental to a successful long- term All-on-4 restoration. Achieving the knowledge and skill to optimally place implants comes from experience alone.
- 8. All-on-4 Dental Implants Problems - Inexperience It does not come from a text-book, studies, or a third-party planning service. Just as the integrity of a building is dependent on its structure, so to is the All-on-4 Dental Implant Restoration. Some corporations claim that their "Dentists" have placed thousands of implants, and they have 100's of "Dentists". This means that one Dentist may have placed 2 implants and another 2000.This statement is misleading on its face value. Do not rely on false claims and experience that is not relevant to the All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure.
- 9. All-on-4 Dental Implants Problems – Materials Used According to a 1994 study by ZhaoY andYe D, published in Pub Med, human males can generate approximately 120 kilograms of force. This is equal to about 265 pounds of force. Females generate slightly less powerful, but comparable, forces. Humans generate the highest amount of force to their first molars. Humans only impart about 43 kilograms of force with their incisors, and about 99 kilograms of force with their bicuspids. Surprisingly, humans bite much harder than any of the other great apes, when the results are adjusted for size. Humans bite as hard as nutcrackers close, when size is taken into consideration.
- 10. All-on-4 Dental Implants Problems – Materials Used While 100% off breakage may not be avoided, this is why many All-on-4 Dental Implant Problems such as breakage can be avoided by having a "permanent" restoration with a titanium bar framework from day one.Without this substructure and by using Acrylic with denture teeth restorations, your chance of All- on-4 Dental Implant problems such as breakage is increased by 90%. 99.9% of facilities use this antiquated method, that is why you can expect to be back dozens of times.
- 11. Golpa Dental Implant Center 800-797-0406 The ONLY Facility To provide a PERMANENT, titanium reinforced Crystal Ultra Bridge in just 24 Hours!! At Golpa Dental Implant Center we are committed to do all we can to produce the most aesthetically pleasing results possible, utilizing the most advanced equipment, protocols, personnel and technology available. Our patients are the “back- bone” of our success, and we appreciate the trust you place in our Practice and the G4 Implant Solution, and you can rest assured that we are 100% committed to your satisfaction.
All on 4 Dental Implant Reviews
- 1. All-on-4 Dental Implant Reviews All-on-4 Dental Implant Reviews should be a main factor in making a decision regarding the experience and typical outcomes of any All-on-4 Dental Implant facility. Beware that manyAll-on-4 Dental Implant facilities post fake reviews and stock photos. Do your research when choosing a reputable All-on-4 Dental Implant provider.
- 2. All-on-4 Dental Implant Reviews – Real Reviews It’s common practice for people to check out what other consumers have written online before they make a major purchase. What you may not realize is at lot of consumer reviews on the Internet are bogus. In fact, 20 percent of Yelp reviews are fake, according to a Harvard Business School study published last fall. And Bing Liu, a data-mining expert at the University of Illinois, Chicago, puts the overall number of fake reviews closer to 30 percent.
- 3. All-on-4 Dental Implant Reviews – Real Reviews It’s a duplicitous practice, but there are some clues to help determine if a review is concocted. According to researchers at Cornell University who have developed an automated algorithm to detect them.You can test it out on a site they developed called Review Skeptic. When you cut-and-paste review text into the site, you'll get a verdict on whether it's real or fake.
- 4. All-on-4 Dental ImplantReviews – Reputation Management Some practices spend millions of dollars for Reputation Management companies to try and bury their bad, usually honest reviews, by creating fake reviews, scripted videos, and deceptive marketing in an attempt to make them rank higher on the internet. Here are two examples: Example One ExampleTwo
- 5. All-on-4 Dental ImplantReviews – Before &After Photos Any facility that regularly performs the All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure should have available plenty of before and After Photos, this is their portfolio.You would not hire a landscape, or home designer without seeing plenty of results of their craft.This is the same when choosing an All-on-4 Dental Implant provider. Photos can create stronger connections than text. Plus, with modern technology, they’re easier to consume and distribute.This is why people love sharing and viewing pictures on the web.
- 6. All-on-4 Dental Implant Reviews –Visual Results This concept carries over to the practice of aesthetics. For prospective patients, photos are not just nice to have—they’re a necessity. A recent RealSelf survey found that 83 percent of consumers researching cosmetic surgery said they would not consider a practice that doesn’t have Before & After photos. Unfortunately many practices steal photos from the web, so be sure to check photos with this tool: REVERSE IMAGE SEARCHINGTOOL
- 7. All-on-4 Dental ImplantReviews –Testimonial Videos No one really trusts you or what you have to say about your own company.Why would they? But people will listen to other people’s opinions about your company. If they know and trust that person – so much the better. Even if they don’t, they are more likely to believe a stranger (or better yet, a bunch of strangers) talking about you rather than you talking about you.
- 8. All-on-4 Dental ImplantReviews –Testimonial Videos That’s why testimonial videos are so powerful. Any practice that regularly performs the All-on-4 Dental Implant procedure should have dozens of authentic PatientTestimonialVideos, that are not scripted and convey a Patients true feelings. You should avoid any practice with only a few overly produced PatientTestimonialVideos.
- 9. All-on-4 Dental Implant Reviews –Talk to Past andCurrent Patients If you do not have a personal recommendation to the Dentist or facility it can be helpful to speak to past patients.You should speak to several Patients, but remember, these past patients are giving their time to speak to prospective patients. So you must respect that there is a limit to how many people they can speak with. Other good places to find out about the Dentists and interact with Patients are Social Media sites and Review Forums.
- 10. All-on-4 Dental ImplantReviews – DoYour Research When it comes to your oral health, your self- esteem, and your overall well-being we encourage you to investigate before you decide.When it comes to Dental Implants and Cosmetic Dentistry sometimes we get what we pay for, unlike buying paper-towels, or laundry detergent, where sometimes the “bargain brand” will do, making an investment in your- self should never be a sacrifice. Be sure to check the credentials of any Dentist or facility, don't just assume because they say it, it must be true.
- 11. Golpa Dental ImplantCenter 800-797-0406 The ONLY FacilityTo provide a PERMANENT, titanium reinforced Crystal Ultra Bridge in just 24 Hours!! At Golpa Dental Implant Center we are committed to do all we can to produce the most aesthetically pleasing results possible, utilizing the most advanced equipment, protocols, personnel and technology available. Our patients are the “back- bone” of our success, and we appreciate the trust you place in our Practice and the G4 Implant Solution, and you can rest assured that we are 100% committed to your satisfaction.
All on 4 Dental Implant Costs
- 1. All-on-4 Dental Implant Costs A Patients GuideTo Understanding All-on-4 Dental Implant Fees & More
- 2. AverageCosts of theAll-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure All-on-4 Dental Implant costs can vary considerably. In the U.S, the average cost for the All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure is $49,000 for a Full-mouth restoration, which consists of restoring both the Maxillary(upper) and Mandibular(lower) arches. In foreign countries the costs for the All-on-4 Implant procedure itself averages $25,000, but there are added expenses and risks involved, and often involves bait-and-switch.
- 3. Why do All-on-4 CostsVary? One reason for the variance in All-on-4 Dental Implant Costs is that often the procedure you receive is not actually the All-on-4 Dental Implant procedure at all. Many practices incorrectly proclaim Snap-in Dentures, Implant Supported Dentures, or even Mini-Implants the All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure.These procedures are not the All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure.
- 4. All-on-4 Dental ImplantCosts Incremental Based Fees Many All-on-4 Dental Implant providers may charge a separate fee for different phases of the Procedure. For instance you may be charged a separate fee for the consultative and diagnostic phase of the Procedure, a separate fee for the surgical phase of the Procedure, and yet another fee for the restorative phase of the Procedure. Many Providers also charge "hidden" incidental fees based on your particular situation.This can make the actual All-on-4 Dental Implant costs stated, different from your actual costs, when the procedure is completed months or years later.
- 5. All-on-4 Fees in Foreign Countries Many Patients consider traveling abroad to countries such as Mexico or Costa Rica, in an effort to save on All-on-4 Dental Implant Costs. Patients need to be aware that they will have no protections or recourse under the laws of the United States. Any complication or malpractice that may occur during or after your procedure is assumed at your own risk. Many practices make false claims regarding their experience, facilities, procedures, and reviews. There is a reason their costs are lower, yet they are claiming to use the same materials, equipment, and procedures.
- 6. All-on-4 Fees in Foreign Countries The costs for these materials are no less in foreign countries, if they are available in these countries at all. It is easy to become a victim of "Bait-and Switch" when you are in a foreign land and vulnerable to their deception. If you are considering affordable All-on-4 Dental Implant Costs in a foreign country be aware that Dentists, Facilities and Dental Schools in these countries are not subject to, certified, or regulated by any governing board or consumer protection agency of the United States.These agencies DO NOT CERTIFY ANY FOREIGN ENTITIES OR DENTISTS.
- 7. All-on-4 Dental Implant MaterialsUsed The materials used in your All-on-4 Dental Implant procedure also varies. 99.9% of facilities in the world will make an acrylic denture that you will wear for months or even years.The costs to complete your procedure are dependent on outside laboratories to complete your "final" or "permanent" restoration. What makes a restoration "permanent" is that it must contain a metal substructure, usually made of titanium, or be made of a monolithic material such as Zirconia.
- 8. All-on-4 Dental Implant MaterialsUsed Most facilities have an outside lab fabricate a titanium bar, wrap this bar in acrylic with denture teeth attached, or have an outside lab fabricate a Zirconia, or other material such as Crystal Ultra Ceramic Hybrid restoration after several months or years. At Golpa Dental Implant Center, these restoration are designed and fabricated in specialized 5-axis milling machines by our experienced CAD/CAM personnel, in our Advanced Milling Center in just 24 hours.
- 9. DentureTeeth If you are in a facility without this milling technology, you will be receiving acrylic/denture teeth restorations and possibly one of the "final" restorations months or years later.This is why All-on-4 Dental Implant costs vary, it has do with the capabilities of the facility, the costs for outside lab work, multiple visits, and experience. Studies Show it usually has nothing to do with the Osseo-integration of the Dental Implants G4 Bridge
- 10. All-on-4 Dental ImplantCosts Summary All-on-4 Dental Implant costs can vary based on many factors. First and foremost you must determine if you are actually receiving the same procedure at every facility you evaluate. You must consider the experience of the personnel employed by the facility, the equipment and technology used by the facility, and see verifiable results in their Patients.
- 11. Golpa Dental ImplantCenter 800-797-0406 The ONLY FacilityTo provide a PERMANENT, titanium reinforced Crystal Ultra Bridge in just 24 Hours!! At Golpa Dental Implant Center we are committed to do all we can to produce the most aesthetically pleasing results possible, utilizing the most advanced equipment, protocols, personnel and technology available. Our patients are the “back- bone” of our success, and we appreciate the trust you place in our Practice and the G4 Implant Solution, and you can rest assured that we are 100% committed to your satisfaction.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Friday, October 14, 2016
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Friday, June 3, 2016
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Ken M. | G4 Implant Solution | 10 Year Follow-Up Testimonial
Ken M | G4 Implant Solution | 10 Year Follow-Up Testimonial G4 Implant Solution provides a permanent bridge for the entire upper and/or lower set of teeth (arch), in just 1 visit. The procedure is best for patients in dentures, or with significant tooth loss or decay, and for people whose bone loss in the jaw area prevents them from getting traditional dental implants. The G4 Implant Solution consists in establishing a fully customized bridge based on, as few as, four titanium implants. The solution takes advantage of existing bone, even if scarce, avoiding having to use bone grafts.
Posted by Golpa Dental Implant Center - Las Vegas on Saturday, April 2, 2016
Dr. Rick | G4 Implant Solution | Patient Testimonial
Dr Rick | G4 Implant Solution | Patient Testimonial G4 Implant Solution provides a permanent bridge for the entire upper and/or lower set of teeth (arch), in just 1 visit. The procedure is best for patients in dentures, or with significant tooth loss or decay, and for people whose bone loss in the jaw area prevents them from getting traditional dental implants. The G4 Implant Solution consists in establishing a fully customized bridge based on, as few as, four titanium implants. The solution takes advantage of existing bone, even if scarce, avoiding having to use bone grafts.
Posted by Golpa Dental Implant Center - Las Vegas on Saturday, April 2, 2016
Debbie | G4 Implant Solution | Patient Testimonial
Debbie | G4 Implant Solution | Patient Testimonial G4 Implant Solution provides a permanent bridge for the entire upper and/or lower set of teeth (arch), in just 1 visit. The procedure is best for patients in dentures, or with significant tooth loss or decay, and for people whose bone loss in the jaw area prevents them from getting traditional dental implants. The G4 Implant Solution consists in establishing a fully customized bridge based on, as few as, four titanium implants. The solution takes advantage of existing bone, even if scarce, avoiding having to use bone grafts.
Posted by Golpa Dental Implant Center - Las Vegas on Saturday, April 2, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016
Edward J. | G4 Implant Solution | 2 1/2 Year Follow-up
Edward J | G4 Implant Solution | 2 1/2 Year Follow-up Testimonial G4 Implant Solution provides a permanent bridge for the entire upper and/or lower set of teeth (arch), in just 1 visit. The procedure is best for patients in dentures, or with significant tooth loss or decay, and for people whose bone loss in the jaw area prevents them from getting traditional dental implants. The G4 Implant Solution consists in establishing a fully customized bridge based on, as few as, four titanium implants. The solution takes advantage of existing bone, even if scarce, avoiding having to use bone grafts.
Posted by Golpa Dental Implant Center - Las Vegas on Friday, April 1, 2016
Tim K. | G4 Implant Solution | Patient Testimonial
Tim K. | G4 Implant Solution | Patient Testimonial G4 Implant Solution provides a permanent bridge for the entire upper and/or lower set of teeth (arch), in just 1 visit. The procedure is best for patients in dentures, or with significant tooth loss or decay, and for people whose bone loss in the jaw area prevents them from getting traditional dental implants. The G4 Implant Solution consists in establishing a fully customized bridge based on, as few as, four titanium implants. The solution takes advantage of existing bone, even if scarce, avoiding having to use bone grafts.
Posted by Golpa Dental Implant Center - Las Vegas on Friday, April 1, 2016
March 2015 | G4 Implant Solution | Patients of the Week
Posted by Golpa Dental Implant Center - Las Vegas on Friday, April 1, 2016
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
February 2016 | G4 Implant Solution | Patients of the Week
Posted by Golpa Dental Implant Center - Las Vegas on Wednesday, March 2, 2016